Real time search engine for collaborative media monitoring

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Retrieve data in real time and monitor everything being said on the internet

  • Create alerts to monitor your brand, your competitors, your market
  • Monitor any type of web source : review sites, blogs, news sites, forums, social networks, images, videos
  • Be notified when new content is detected
  • Set the frequency of your notifications : real time, daily, weekly

Filter your alert entries

  • Filter results by date, source, sentiment, influence, engagement.
  • Analyze sentiment and understand key trends.
  • Classify results with tags.
  • Annotate results with comments.

Get detailed insights

  • Mesurez le volume et la tonalité des avis et mentions par période
  • Understand where the conversations are happening
  • Identify the sources with most influence
  • Identify the most shared content mentioning you
  • Get advanced analytics for your social accounts (Facebook pages, Twitter and Instagram accounts).
  • Measure the performance of your posts and identify your content generating most engagement.
  • Create custom graphs to compare the metrics of your choice
  • Measure your share of voice and the one of your competitors
  • Track the Facebook pages and Twitter accounts of your competitors

Leverage Artificial intelligence to boost your insights

  • Spend less time analysing and access important information in one click
  • Identify the topics of conversations in your alerts and their sentiment
  • Connaissez vos points forts et vos points faibles
  • Détectez les sujets qui impactent votre marque qu’ils soient positifs ou négatifs

Create dynamic dashboards

  • Exportez vos résultats d’alertes, graphes, dashboards et statistiques
  • Programmez des rapports personnalisés en un clic en y ajoutant votre propre logo.
  • Export format : pdf, csv, rtf, png.

Join the conversations

  • Identifiez vos influenceurs, ambassadeurs, détracteurs.
  • Dialoguez sur les réseaux sociaux directement depuis Alerti.
  • Répondez aux posts, commentaires, avis et gardez trace de qui a fait quoi.
  • Améliorez vos process et la satisfaction de vos clients.

Collaborate with your team

  • Partagez vos alertes avec vos collaborateurs.
  • Assignez des tâches à vos collaborateurs.
  • Ajoutez des notes à vos tâches.
  • Suivez l’évolution des actions en cours.
  • Gérez vos collaborateurs et leurs droits d’accès.

Start your free trial today

Pick the solution which fits your needs and your industry

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